Saturday, July 30, 2011

This thing called love...

This thing called Love...
Oh! how it can makes us blind sometimes...
it's wierd how it clouds our mind and makes us unable to think clearly...
it's like our whole worlds just evolves around it...
everything in nature is nothing but love connections...
it's a trade all living things posses and even matter...
we are attracted to each other for a reason..
most of the time we don't fully understand the reasons why...
it all depends on our individual experiences...
some fall in love...
some fall out of love...
some jilted or lost a love one..
and some just refuse to experience love...
the reason we feel this way is because we allow it to feed on our energy...
positive reactions gives positive responses...
negative reactions gives negative responses...
it can be wonderful, this thing called love...
makes you smile all the time and feel happy..
makes you remember good and bad times with such details...
It makes a great difference in our lifes...
everyday always seems to be a good day...
you never get tired of hearing those 3 words...
and somehow you want to hear it more and more each passing day...
"I love you"
the sound of it just melts your heart away...
even brings tears to your eyes...
the joy it brings to the person you love is far greater then anything...
believe me it's worth everything...
I truly understand this feeling...
I've experienced it in every way...
I do not regret falling in love...
I'm not afraid of getting hurt...
because I know it will only make me stronger...
Love may have blinded me at first...
but it has open my eyes to a much more beautiful world...
a world where I can still see you...
happy and in love in the arms of another..
and it's ok, it will always be ok..
because I still have love in my heart and it's a priceless treasure...
I believe now that it's worth something....
it all depends if you can appreciate and see the beauty in it...
I have achieved the greatest enlightment...
I understand the true meaning of this thing call "LOVE"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A woman in love...

I am a woman in love... Love has it's own cycle,
the heart is quite fragile,
love at times can be brutal,
it's because the love cycle is not a perfect circle.

I am a woman in love... I am one among those who is unfit,
that I must honestly admit,
Words alone is not enough to explain it,
my hopes is a target I can't hit.

I am a woman in love... what if my thoughts of you are no longer there,
would it mean that I no longer care?,
all I am is just a woman in love and in despair,
a woman who has long lost her flair.

I am a woman in love.. The end is so near,
but that is not what I fear,
I'm afraid to shead the last tear,
before I leave the one I hold so dear.

I am a woman in love... I wonder if my cycle is ending?,
what if my feelings no longer have a meaning?,
what if I get tired of hoping and waiting?,
is it because I am ageing and slowly fading?.

I am a woman in love.. I only have questions but no answers,
do not seek comfort from me because I don't know any better,
I tried but I could never love another,
sad as it may seem.. my feelings does not matter.

I am all that I am...
and I know thats all that I am...
will you ever see me for who I am??
just a woman in love.. thats all that I am...

Friday, July 08, 2011

For a friend

I've loved you before anyone else could,
way back during our childhood.
my feelings may have been misunderstood,
I mean you no harm and you know I never could.

I felt very threaten by this feeling,
I was scared and pretended like it was nothing,
that's why I went into writing,
to note down what I was really hiding.

I did not deserve you then.. nor do I deserve you now,
You played a role in my life somehow,
feelings set aside.. I've made a vow,
to explain it.. I don't know how.

I move on only because that's all I can do,
I've taken many steps back.. just trying to undo,
I refuse to be a nuisance to you,
so no need to fear me.. I know where I stand too.

Time doesn't really heal the heart,
It will only be rid of when I depart,
I can't stand this feeling of being apart,
when all I hope for was only to be your friend and not your sweetheart.

Your future is what you make of it,
how to live your life and who you choose to be with,
you alone make your destiny the way you see fit,
I'm just someone from your past... nothing else.. that's about it!.

This is just a message I wish to convey,
I'm your friend who still cares for you at the end of the day,
I hope for good things and even love to come your way,
your happiness you must pursue without delay,
so that everyday will be a great day!