Thursday, September 01, 2005

Man’s Best FRIEND!.

When my family was still living in Johor we had 9 dogs, my father loves them and my mother hated them…ehheh . I was very young when I had my first pet dog and his name was Blackie obviously it was black in colour. Anyway he died of old age. My big brother Collin’s dog was called Mourover… he got run over and died, Clifton’s *my 2nd brother* dog is called Burie… in the end it died and was buried heheh. It could be because Clifton pulled out all his whiskers. My sister Debra’s dog Spot was lost it wondered off somewhere and was never found. The rest belong to my father I don’t know their names all in dog heaven I think.

When we moved to Malacca, Clifton found a puppy inside a box left by the seaside. The puppy was only a few days old. My brother felt pity for it so he brought it home and named him Bonnie. The 1st month was the hardest because we didn’t know how to feed it… my father spoon fed him until he was old enough to drink on his own. Bonnie grew into a very cute dog.. hhehe he was so clean and smelled like lemons.. heheheh. I use to give him a bath every alternate days…he love taking baths. He only goes out if we take him out.. other then that he stays at home all day… Once in a while he escapes when the gates are not closed properly. My brothers, sister and I use to chase after him.. the only way to catch him if we offer him sweets or ice cream.

It was a sad day for my family when Bonnie died. The cause of his death was poison, he had internal bleeding.. I remember crying so much, I was so angry. It’s been so many years and we never had another pet after Bonnie. Of cause there was the come and go pets that never really belonged to me.

I had other pets besides dogs!. I had a big fat orange cat called Garfield he sucked on his mother’s tit for 1 year… Greedy cat!! After that he ran off and lived with someone else *mumbles* ungrateful bastard!!. My sister gave me a fighting fish, it was so colourful and pretty. I use to love looking at it… until my nephew fed it goreng pisang the next day I found it dead, I wanted to return the favor and kill my sisters only son but then I thought to myself “who’s going to clean up the mess?” so I just said my last goodbye and flushed the fish down the toilet… Then there was the hamster, Azie gave it to me on my 24th birthday I think, it grew so fat and after 1 year it died :o( they were so cute.

Last year I took in a stray puppy it reminded me of Bonnie actually, unfortunately the puppy ran under my car as I was coming out of the drive way. I took it to the vet and had no choice but to put it to sleep.

1 year has past and my sister gave me her dog to look after, she was worried for its safety because the children in her neighborhood keep throwing stones at him. They named him “Oscar” he is a mixture of Spitz and Golden Retriever. He is so cute, irritating, loveable and troublesome all at once…heheheh. Oscar is a special dog… he is born with 2 extra toes *one on each leg* it looks like a cat’s claw! And he only have one testicle…heheh, the colour of his furr is white, cream and brown. When he was a puppy you can actually see the number 3 and 5 on his back, it’s still there but not as clear as before. Anyway he is referred as my Bodyguard, my son, darling, baby, boiii…. but I like him more as my pet.. hehehe. I’m never lonely and I always feel safe when I’m home alone thanks to my usssssssskah!!! I grown so attached to him that I’ve become so over protective, I keep him safe and I don’t want anything to happen bad to him… he is so precious to me.

Well that’s all for my pet history.. until my next blog… adios!


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