Sunday, March 19, 2006


I’m actually restless, at times I feel like I practically did nothing at all other then work. Maybe it’s because I wake up extra early now days and drive to work 25 minutes earlier then my usual time so that I won’t get caught in the rush hour traffic jam and be late for work or maybe it’s because of all the nonsense that’s been going on that’s freaking the neighbors out.

I haven’t been giving therapy due to my illness and other reasons. I’ve been down with the flu for the past 2 weeks… went to see the doctor 3 times, been taking medications but I’m still having the sniffles. The doctor even suggested I go for further check ups, she is concern I could have been infected with the bird flu at first.. well turns out it’s not… it’s just a bad case of the common flu…. A bit extreme I would say.

My sister and her children came over to spend their school holidays in KL but they went back to Malacca on Thursday. It was nice having them here at least it helped to distract my mind a bit. Luckily none of them caught the flu from me.

After 2 weeks I finally went back to Phillip Wain to work out… didn’t join any of my regular classes, I just did some light exercises and rested most of the time and waited for Azie to finish the aerobic classes.

My neighbor’s house got robbed on Tuesday 4 am. The thieves manage to take 2 gold rings and an expensive watch only. I remember Oscar barking that morning in my kitchen, the barking woke my neighbor up and at the same time his son had returned home from his night shift… that’s when they noticed the kitchen grill was open and one of the room messed up. The funny thing is 2 weeks ago his sister’s house got robbed in the afternoon they came in from the front gate even. His sister lives on the same street the 4th house from mine. The neighbors noticed Oscar was barking a lot that day but they didn’t go out to see what all the noise was about. Unfortunately she lost a lot of money and electrical stuff.

I changed the locks on my gate and keep Oscar close. Now each time he barks at night I’ll let him out of the room and let him roam around the house to make sure everything is alright, my neighbor would wake up and check his house each time Oscar barks early in the morning. They are planning to get a dog to guard their house too.

I feel safe knowing that Oscar is around to protect my mother and I, and warn us if there is any strangers around. He is the only one that can sense if there is danger and at the same time I’m scared he will be harmed so I keep him inside the house so that he will be safe too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While Oscar protects you and mom - u need to protect him too - unless he is a trained German Sheperd/Alsation/Rottweiler to attack the intruder with inteligence- thats why these breeds are selected. Its not fair to let a small house pet dog to do the job even grown man at times would not. Many extra things you can have in place. You can even get a sensor beeper for a mere RM 20- battery ativated - looks like a decor piece - place it in any entrance like windows/door. YOu can turn it on & off when you wish. once anything pass the sensor area alarm goes off. call the police 1st dun leave the room till they come over. latch all doors.Can Oscar protect himself if they have a gun/knife? Would we do that to our child? use his sense/instinct not him to protect yourself - unless he is trained as a guard dog.Think for a minute - would Oscar scarifice you for his safety?

Wednesday, 22 March, 2006  

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