Saturday, August 19, 2006

Party Animals!

The first time I ever step foot in a club was when I was 18 years old. I was working with RSM then in the Corporate Marketing Division. Those days my colleagues and I use to hang out at the mamak stall in Sri Rampai every evening after work, waiting for the jam to clear before heading back home.. dealing with corporate clients can be very stressful, they just like to make our lives difficult because they are paying for our goods… hehehe paying for our goods sound kinky!

Anyway, the first club I went to is Beach Club Café, it was introduced to us by one of our new staff name Arrie but I call him hairy because he seldom shaves. He had a friend who was working there as one of the supervisors. We made plans to go there, 15 of us went, we had dinner, we drank, we partied, danced on the podium like mad people, stayed until it was over and continued with a mamak session to end the night, that was a great night because we were all stoned from the free flow of long island tea, compliments from beach club of coz. I remember my colleagues and I would make it a point to go there twice a month. One year later that Supervisor friend left beach club and went some where else and that was the end of our free flow of long island tea.

We continued to go there for six years, we had more and more people joining us and at one time. I use to go with Uma as well, she had a friend working as a bartender there, each time we went there he would get us food and what ever drink we desire. Even when she didn’t join me.. the drinks still keep coming…heheh those were the days… plus I use to be a heavy drinker then.

When I left RSM in 2001, most of my other colleagues left as well, most of us sort of lost contact with each other, how ever I still keep in touch with Annie, Velu, King (Raja), Jason and Haiza. How ever we still continued to meet up at BC once in a while.

I soon made new friends Darthvadai and surprisingly he was a regulars at BC as well. Then I met Scud (evan), Mel (Angie) and Chris, in fact I’ve seen Chris many times in beach club before and I did recognize her when I first me her. Small world eh! Back then they had a really good band playing and I use to still dance on the podium. Years went by and we have met many people there, some that have came into our lives leaving us with scares and some with sweet memories.

The last time I went to BC this year was in January when Cleo came down to KL. We had, Cleo, Vadai, Chris, Kalai, Mel, Ant, Rat, Pikachu, David and myself. I may have forgotten a few others I think. It’s August now and I’ve been missing from BC for 7 months and I’m glad it’s still there and it’s still the same. The parking attendant still remembers me.. he parked my car at my normal parking space and charged me the normal parking price… even though parking was full. The bouncer friend of mine let me in without paying the cover charge and I went straight to our usual sitting area where I saw my two best buddies… Vadai and Chris! It was really good to see them, like always both of them are very generous with hugs.. Yes hugs were on free flow at BC last night…heheh I needed some of that! Not forgetting a surprise visit from Pikachu, the four of us rocked BC. Hot Wired was playing… Bad news for Cleo there is a new male vocalist actually 2 new male vocalist… 1 cute one and 1 faggot looking one with the durian hair. Not forgetting the girls on the podium, the number of hot guys there last night (including Vadai and Pikachu… emm well sort of…ehheh).

Funny and weird moments ….

I arrived there late because of a very bad traffic jam in Ampang, when the parking attendant saw me he shouted “wei why so long never come!!” told him I was BZ he wasn’t quite convinced with my reply.. as I gave him my car keys he mumbled “teacher also very bz? Heh!”

There were too many cute guys I told Chris “Wow can cuci mata tonite…heheh” I took 2 ice cubes and pretended rub my eyes with it…heheheh Vadai wasn’t there when I did that! Hahah. Sorry you missed it!

Who could forget that weird air force pilot with the red and white checked robe and helmet walking around and showing off. how cool and stupid he looked in his uniform!

A guy bought Vadai 2 bottles of beer… that’s weird…ehheh

The 4 of us left BC around 2am, we went to our regular mamak stall behind BC where our Annai was waiting for us… he greeted me with a hand shake.. saying “Sudah lama tada jumpa la… mana pigi?”…heheh. of coz my reply was “BZ la” the funny part is he even guessed how many months I didn’t go there which was very accurate. Pikachu looked at me with a grin “Popular jugak eh ko ni!” heheh…

I dont know if anyone noticed or it could have been just me... the guy siting opposite me with his friends look alot like Rat except he was shorter and less furry... thats weird!

After makan we all headed home and ended a wonderful evening… Thanks guys!

p/s the music was too loud... we were all half deaf... we sounded like we had too much helium gas...hahahah can't stop laughing at how Vadai sounded like.


Blogger Angie Siew said...

Glad u had a great time! Sorry i couldnt make it! *spank Angie*

Monday, 21 August, 2006  
Blogger marie said...

no excuses for u next time angie... you dont know what you are missing..heheh

Monday, 21 August, 2006  

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