Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ok guys... Jokes on me!

I’m freaking bored.. I’ve cleared every unwanted stuff that I had… re-arrange everything in the house, cleaned my room, sorted all my documents and reports.. I did everything I could think of doing just to pass the time… Normally I would be glued to the chair and my pc, chatting .. I still go into IRC and chat in KLsex, it’s not like what it use to be but there are more new chatters coming in and the channel is not as dead as most people think it is… it’s quite lively and interesting actually. Anyway I’ve been promoted to SOP after 6 years ..hahah. After last years incident, where my identity, personal information, picture and location was exposed all over IRC *20 channels* I’ve been getting a lot of unwanted attention and even offers to be an Operator (SOP) in a few channels. I turn down the offer of coz maybe next time. I still can’t get rid of the “Most Feared Op in klsex” title thanks to Mike.

For the past 2 months the hot topic in the channel was “My wedding plans” ok not that’s a long story… I’m not even sure how it all started even but it had a lot to do with Kasey mentioning he was my IRC husband and pissing everyone off… Almost everyone I use to chat with is messaging me and asking if its true that I’m getting married… some said they heard I was already married… I did take it as a joke at 1st when people asked me “Are you seriously thinking about getting married??” I didn’t take it seriously, I plyed along and of coz my answer was plain and simple “NO” that answer was to get everyone off my back, so stop asking me but romour still has it that I am getting married.

Anyway I had a good laugh at first but some people are really taking this a bit too hard to accept… hahah I don’t know why… there is that “you broke my heart”, “you never gave me a chance!”, “you sure this guy is the right one for you?”… Now, if Kasey was in the channel.. he would enjoy mentally torturing these people… I can only imagine how much he would rub it in some more… something to do with other guys being jealous.. makes him a happier man I think…hahah. I even have people giving me websites and information on how to go about getting a marriage license and getting registered… hehehe. That was really funny.. if only I log the conversation…

To make things even more complicated then it already is.. I have Commie, Em, BB and Nano constantly reminding me about my wedding plans… very funny you guys!! . *kicks their balls 10 times* I'm not the marrying type!!


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