Monday, August 21, 2006

A hidden message behind a dream

Many people dream about their love ones that had passed on. Over the weekend I had a very unusual dream. I dreamt about my father. He past away 12 years ago, and never once had a dream about him where else everyone else in my family has.

(Saturday afternoon nap) The first dream
I was standing at the entrance of my home waiting for my mother to come inside, there I saw a man who came in after her and sat on the chair where my father use to sit on. I asked my mother “did u notice that man on the chair?” And she said “Yes!” when I took another look I noticed that it was my father but there was something different about him. he walked towards me and cried because I knew he was a ghost I tried calling his name but it just wouldn’t come out. He came inside and he stayed for a while. I felt his skin and it was real, I thought to myself this cant be… my father is dead. So I asked him “who are you? you look like my father but I know you are not! My father died 12 years ago!” he replied “I don’t know who I am” he continued to stay, sat on the chair and watched TV when he stood up my dog barked at him and he just walked away and vanished.

(Sunday morning) The second dream
My mother and I just came home, when I walked towards the gate I noticed my dog was missing. Then I saw him inside the house with the gate and the sliding glass door shut. There he was again the man standing there, he opened the gate for us. I looked at my mother and told her “see! I told u not to keep the keys close to the door, now there is a stranger in our house!” My mother walked in and went straight to the room. I sat on the floor and asked him again “Sir, please tell me .. who are you?” he replied “I don’t know.. all I know is I have to come here” I asked him “why.. where is your family” and he said “I don’t know… all I know I have to come here and you will help me” next thing I remember my dog stood next to him and barked… and the old man vanished again.

I woke up that Sunday morning telling my mother what I dreamt about. I had this funny feeling that he was trying to tell me something. I asked my mother to look at the obituary column if there was any one that fits the same description as my father, and there was… there was an elderly man, who died on the 19th of August, but he look nothing at all like my father.

Maybe its not him.. i have another feeling that it was some one else, some one related to my father. I know he had a twin brother, they were separated from birth and never met each other. my father was adopted and no one knows what happen to his parents and the other sibling. I fear that it was the lost soul of my father’s twin brother. I fear he is either, sick, dying or already passed on but looking for his better half.

How do I find this man? No one knows where is he anyway… and why is he seeking my help? Maybe he wants to be reunited with his brother.. I don’t know. I thought to myself if I do dream about him again.. I will explain to him who I think he is and show him the resting place of my father. My mother decided to give a mass dedicated to my father and I think I want to dedicate a mass to the lost souls. That’s the best I can do.. for now.
it was a weird dream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fr the desk of the Scud...
Wot u wrote depicts a person reaching out to the ones they love n miss. I've read in some journal tat, spirits do visit their relatives n loved ones. and mind u, Hungry Ghost festival jus ended and this is the only time the deceased are allowed to 'visit' our world.........some cal it crap, but most respect this period. I hope u told Him wot u wanted to........cuz its not everyday tat They can come down to our world............cheers, Mr Scud

Monday, 21 August, 2006  
Blogger marie said...

dreams have to be intrepreted, it has it's meanings.. and i understand those meanings...

if really my late father would visit me.. i would deffinately tell him what i've been meaning to say for a very long time... i love and miss him alot... and im sure he knows it already ..

thanks for the comments... cheers

Monday, 21 August, 2006  
Blogger darthvadai said...

Mr Scud very very the deep, ladies blog u comment la my blog all u tak comment la

Marie- hug

Tuesday, 22 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are right, Marie.

The man should be someone close to your family. All you can do is pray a lot for him.

Hopefully, he knows who he is and the place he should go... (just pray for him)

Take care.

Thursday, 24 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From experience i can say - its not about something outside - its about somthing inside. when u immediately woke up who did you think it was your father? what was he dressed in? white?
there are many maybes - could he knowing the pain in your heart trying to tell you he is 'around'. light a candle or josstick-pray and speak to him.

There is a believe at all times there are white angels (those who love us & passed away and our gurdians) on our right side and there are the dark side on the other.

be strong dun think too much - as the temple if you have too - they will intepret it to you.

Friday, 25 August, 2006  
Blogger Angie Siew said...

At first when i read, i am scare... but now i feel sad... Marie... hugs... know u miss ur dad a lot... i dont know how i feel about my dad... during his bday... i cried knowing that he is being alone... but i was angry for it is his fault that he is alone right now... mixed feelings... sad, angry, hurt...

Monday, 28 August, 2006  

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