Thursday, June 08, 2006

What kind of friend are you?

lets see there are the best friend, breast friend, Good Friend, Casual Friend, net friends, buddies, Boyfriend and girlfriend. Funny as it may sound people do categorize their friend’s. We do this so that we can tell the difference between which friend we favor most and which friends we want to keep at that “friend-friend” level thingy.

Best friend’s or Breast friend’s?
Ehheeh no difference really it’s just that one has breast and the other doesn’t. Anyway that was a joke! Hmm… let’s see… I would consider my best friend to be there for me all the time, he/she will know every little detail of my life, share secrets and gossips, have a lot of things in common, share advise, a shoulder to cry on, chat or meet up with each other at certain days and hang out late at night. The kind of friend I jump you jump type and hopeless at times. But you still love them no matter what!

Good friend’s
These are the people you keep in touch with all the time, people you can trust and depend on. You look for them when you want something or need help that only they can help you with! Seems a bit cruel isn’t it! Doesn’t sound that bad really! Anyway these are the people who will do what ever they can to help you at the time in need and you would do the same for them when time comes as well.

Casual friend’s?
The “hi!” “hi” how are you friends. They don’t really give a shit about you… sometimes they don’t want anything to do with you actually, but we know them and they know us… so they cant really escape if we happen to bump into them.

Lost Buddies
The wild animals.The once in a blue moon friends… yup they appear out of no where, and before you know it you are partying with them on a Saturday night getting drunk and vomiting all over the place and not remembering each other until the next phone call few months later… ehhehe. Fun people… cool cats.

Net Friend's
Virtual friends that we chat with everyday if possible. The clowns behind the screens. Fun people.... not very vertual when we all get together but real pals. Most of the people i call friends are from the net... what a great way to find and make new friends. Now that i think about it... it's pretty amazing to get to know all these people :o)

Well what are we really? Puppets? Dolls? Punching bags? Rubbish bins? I don’t know really…. Skip this one!

Lady friends
As a woman I like having lady friends but not so many at one time. It’s right to be a bit choosy when it comes to making friends with another lady. They can be snakes, brainwashers and boyfriend snatchers at times too. I only have a few lady friends that I am close with, respect and trust.

Boyfriends and male friend's
I’m tired of them… I prefer to just have male friends and not classify them as a boyfriends… coz once you do that it just gets you into serious shit… the first few months would be great after that it’s nothing but heart aches… well I say this because I’m just being bitter about it that’s all. What can I say I’ve had shitty experiences and I know tons of ladies who would say the same as well. The 1st comment would be “Never trust a man 100%” “they don’t mean it when they say “I Love you” what they meant is “I love your tits” or “I Love to get into your panties”. I have to admit some people do rush into these things as soon as the guy shows interest in them… well depends on the individual la. I can’t say they are idiots… but we ladies only realize that after we get dumped. It’s nice to have a male friend… just don’t mix feelings with friendship it’s not always a win-win situation.

Well hope nobody gets offended by this blog entry… well even if you did you probably deserved it…heheh anyway its just ME I don’t speak for majority…heheh just having fun expressing myself… cheers!


Blogger darthvadai said...

me ah the mati-mati fren, the irritate you to death and bug you to glory fren thought I do like the category Breast Fren you forgot a new category PIMP fren hahahahaha

Me offended coz you forgot PIMP fren hemph no milo for you

Sunday, 11 June, 2006  
Blogger marie said...

i didnt know i had any PIMP friends.... well i shall add you, rudy, sanjay, kalai and beemboy in my PIMP friend list then...hehehe

Sunday, 11 June, 2006  
Blogger darthvadai said...


Tuesday, 13 June, 2006  

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