Saturday, March 15, 2008

do i have to write a title?? gosh I cant come up with one right now... sorry

I know I haven't been updating my blog, not that it matters coz I don't think anyone reads it, and those who do read it .. I really appreciate it... you guys are sweet! I mean it's not like we get to meet up now and then. It's hard to keep up with whats going on in our everyday life. Like everyone else I do want to share with my friends what goes on in my life. I hardly get a chance to use the computer, it's occupied most of his time. At times when I do get to use the computer, I spend most of my time reading mek, vadai and Lacy's blog... I have so many things to write about but I don't have enough time to do all that. I'm occupied with my work, therapy, running arr ons, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning... at the end of the day I'm so exhausted and I'm normally in bed by 10pm. I'm managing my time a little bit better now... it's kind of the same routine from Monday to Friday. I have more time to myself during the weekends tho, so I'll try to make the best of it.


Blogger Angie Siew said...

Thanks for reading my blog! I read urs always and always check for updates! haha same with Pam, Vadai and everyone's blogs!

Monday, 17 March, 2008  

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